Computer Science at Warwick U.Warwick DIMAP

Artur 2 Artur Czumaj

Department of Computer Science and
Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (DIMAP)
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
Room:  CS.213
Phone: +44 24-7657-3796
Fax:      +44 24-7657-3024


Research areas:

Theoretical Computer Science, especially the analysis and design of algorithms and data structures

The main fields of research are:

Randomized algorithms and their probabilistic analysis
Graph theory, graph algorithms and computational geometry
Algorithmic aspects of game theory and economics
Combinatorics and discrete mathematics
String/pattern matching (applications and efficient implementations)
Parallel and distributed algorithms and communication networks


Program Committees: ICALP 2025, STOC 2025, WOLA 2023 (PC chair), DISC 2022, SWAT 2022 (PC chair), ICDCS 2022, STOC 2021, ICALP 2020 track A (PC chair) (old web page) SOSA 2020, SODA 2018 (PC chair), HALG 2017, STOC 2017, IPDPS 2017, ITCS 2017, HALG 2016 (PC chair), MFCS 2015, PODC 2015, IPDPS 2015, WAW 2014, SODA 2014, WG 2013, STOC 2013, STACS 2013, MFCS 2012, SODA 2011, IPDPS 2010, WINE 2009, SAGA 2009, APPROX 2009, FOCS 2008, ICALP 2008, WG 2008, CO 2008, ESA 2007, STOC 2007, PODC 2005, SWAT 2004, and STACS 2000.

Member of the Steering Committees: HALG,

Events I am/was involved in organizing:

  • My (old and out-dated) Web-page from Paderborn, in Germany, where I spent over 6 years (1993-1999) working in the Research Group of Prof. Meyer auf der Heide.
  • My undergraduate study: Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw
  • My high school: XIV LO im. Staszica (aka Gottwald). If you're persistent (and can read in Polish), you might even find there a picture of my class taken many-many-many years ago. But in that case, I doubt if you'd be able to recognize me. (OK, the the photo is here.)

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